High lithium, rubidium and cesium contents of thermal spring water, spring sediments and borax deposits in Puga valley, Kashmir, India
Amalendra Nath Chowdhury, Baldev Krishna Handa, Ajit Kumar Das
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 8, No. 2, P. 61-65, 1974
High values for lithium, rubidium and cesium contents have been observed by the authors in some samples from thermal spring area in Puga valley, Kashmir, India. Samples studied are (1) water from thermal springs, (2) sediments deposited at the thermal springs, (3) samples from borax deposits from the near vicinity of the thermal springs. Estimation of Li, Rb and Cs was carried out by atomic absorption method. In the borax samples separate determinations were carried out by complete decomposition of the samples as also by extraction with water. In the thermal spring water, the average rare alkali content was 5.9 ppm Li, 0.9 ppm Rb and 10.5 ppm Cs. In the spring deposits the maximum contents of rare alkalies observed were 565 ppm Li, 240ppm Rb, 3, 530ppm Cs. There are variations from sample to sample. In the borax deposits the maximum values are 4, 500ppm Li, 350ppm Rb, 2, 150ppm Cs. Difference between the total and water soluble alkali metals shows increased absorption of Rb and Cs in the argillaceous impurities. Geochemical aspects leading to the strong enrichment of rare alkalies, specially Cs, have been discussed. Association of late stage magmatic activity has been suggested for the origin of thermal springs and associated deposits.
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