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Geochemical Journal
Geochemical Journal An open access journal for geochemistry
Published for geochemistry community from Geochemical Society of Japan.

Rare earth element geochemistry of waters and suspended particles in alkaline lakes using extraction and sequential chemical methods

Geochemical Journal, Vol. 47, No. 6, P. 639-649, 2013


The concentrations of rare earth elements in the waters and suspended particles from two alkaline lakes in a carbonate drainage basin of the South China Karst region were determined via ICP-MS. Sequential chemical extraction experiments were conducted on the suspended matter to investigate water-particle interaction processes. Due to their high pH, the alkaline lakes have lower concentrations of dissolved rare earth elements than those reported for most other terrestrial surface waters of the world. Linear regressions between pH and the rare earth element (REE) concentrations over a wide pH range show a “three stage model,” implying the geochemical behavior of dissolved REEs in surface waters is mainly controlled by pH. Shale-normalized patterns of dissolved REEs mainly show a marked enrichment in heavy REEs (HREE), while acid-extracted and organic REEs mainly show convex patterns and the residual fractions have flat patterns. Distinct positive La anomalies were observed in the Lake Aha and its river waters, which also exhibit a very high Mn concentration, indicating severe redox and scavenging conditions. Both negative and positive Ce anomalies were clearly observed in the dissolved phase and extracted fractions of suspended particulate matter. The positive correlation of Ce anomalies with Mn indicates that redox reactions control these Ce anomalies.


rare earth elements, alkaline lake, dissolved, suspended particles, sequential chemical extractions

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