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Geochemical Journal
Geochemical Journal An open access journal for geochemistry
Published for geochemistry community from Geochemical Society of Japan.

Combined investigation of H isotopic compositions and U-Pb chronology of young Martian meteorite Larkman Nunatak 06319

Mizuho Koike, Yuji Sano, Naoto Takahata, Akizumi Ishida, Naoji Sugiura, Mahesh Anand
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 50, No. 5, P. 363-377, 2016


We measured the hydrogen isotopic composition (D/H ratios) and U-Pb chronology of phosphate minerals in a young Martian meteorite: LAR 06319. D/H ratios of melt-inclusions in the meteorite were also investigated to evaluate the presence of water reservoirs on Mars in recent times. The total Pb/U dating of multiple grains of apatite and merrillite yield a concordant date of 167 ± 57 Ma, interpreted as the crystallization age, suggesting that both apatite and merrillite in this meteorite have preserved their igneous histories. The D/H ratios of an apatite grain show good reproducibility yielding a δD value of 4250 ± 120‰, whereas those of merrillite show larger D/H variations with the maximum δD value of 5260 ± 790‰. However, mafic glass in melt-inclusions shows extremely large variation in δD, ranging from ca. 1070‰ to 6830 ± 460‰. The different D/H signatures recorded in these phases reflect the contributions of different hydrous components with distinct D/H ratios, possibly incorporated at different times. It is inferred that several isotopically distinct water reservoirs exist in the present Martian surface/sub-surface system.


NanoSIMS, Martian meteorites, D/H ratio, U-Pb dating, phosphate

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Geochemical Society of Japan

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