Emission inventory and distribution characteristics of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a coking industry city in Northern China
Wei Liu, Zhonghuan Xia, Hao Yang
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 51, No. 6, P. 485-494, 2017
The sources of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Linfen, a coking industry city in Northern China, were studied. The overall emission amount for these 16 PAHs in 2013 in Linfen was 825.12 t, with 149.22 t identified as carcinogenic PAHs. The emission intensity of PAHs in 2013 was about 40.7 kg/km2 in Linfen, which was much higher than the average intensity found in China in 2013. Most of the PAHs were generated from the combustion of domestic, industrial, and coke-production coal, accounting for 78.6% of the total emission amount. Among the emissions of these 16 PAHs, two- and three-ring PAHs made up the majority (68.15%). In the different areas (17 in total) of Linfen, the PAH emissions ranged from 143.35 t in Hongdong County to 2.64 t in Daning County. There was a positive correlation between the rural population and total PAH emissions (R2 = 0.794). The estimated 16 PAH emissions in Linfen from 1995 to 2013 based on historical energy consumption data showed that the amount of PAH emissions has been gradually increasing.
PAHs, emission inventory, Linfen, source apportionment, uncertainty analysis
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