Frontiers in Geochemistry: Tribute to Professor Ryuichi Sugisaki
Koichi Mimura, Yasunori Mori, Tsuyoshi Tanaka, Koichiro Nagamine, Koshi Yamamoto, Kenichiro Sugitani
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 54, No. 4, P. 147-158, 2020
Prof. Sugisaki performed a lot of creative studies dealing with various topics of earth science. We introduce his representative works in the following 6 sections: 1. Geochemical Studies of GroundWater, 2. Frontiers in Tectonochemistry, 3. Tectonic Behavior of Subsurface Fluids in Relation to Earthquakes, 4. Studies on Marine Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks, 5. Deep into “the Outback”—Prof. Sugisaki’s Pioneering Works on Archean Sedimentary Rocks, and 6. Study of Mantle Hydrocarbons as a Seed for Future Works.
Ryuichi Sugisaki, groundwater, tectonic behavior, earthquake prediction, sedimentary rocks, mantle hydrocarbons
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