Boron determinations of silicate reference rocks by the isotope dilution method in a high-background environment
Shun’ichi Nakai
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 55, No. 1, P. 27-32, 2021
Boron concentrations in silicate reference rocks were determined using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) installed in a laboratory with a high background noise level of boron. The feasibility of three methods of internal standard, standard addition, and isotope dilution were examined. Application of the internal standard analysis is difficult in the absence of an appropriate internal standard element. Repeated analyses of the reference rocks showed that the isotope dilution analysis yielded more reproducible concentrations than the standard addition analysis in the high background environment. Results of boron determinations of 12 standard silicate rocks using the isotope dilution method were mostly consistent with values reported earlier from wet chemical analysis and from prompt gamma ray neutron activation analysis. The isotope dilution method can be recommended for boron determination.
background, boron, ICP-MS, isotope dilution, reference rock
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