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Geochemical Journal
Geochemical Journal An open access journal for geochemistry
Published for geochemistry community from Geochemical Society of Japan.

Hydrogen diffusion in apatite parallel to the c-axis under vapor flow

Chikashi Yoshimoto, Shoichi Itoh, Isao Sakaguchi
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 58, No. 1, P. 1-8, 2024


Apatite is ubiquitous in various planetary bodies in the Solar System. Because its structure contains a hydroxy group, researchers have performed extensive investigations to determine the hydrogen isotopic composition of apatite to reveal the origins and evolution of water in planetary bodies. The hydrogen isotopic composition in apatite can change owing to diffusion. Although there have been several diffusion studies related to hydrogen in apatite, they vary in experimental conditions, such as the diffusion source and pressure, making it difficult to estimate the change in hydrogen isotopic composition. Herein, we report hydrogen diffusion experiments under a 2H2O/O2 vapor flow at 550°C–700°C using apatite slices with better surface conditions by adapting new polishing methods. 2H concentration depth profiles were obtained via secondary ion mass spectrometry, and the diffusion coefficients were obtained by fitting the profiles using Fick’s second law. The temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficients at 550°C–700°C is represented as the following expression:


Keywords: apatite, hydrogen diffusion, hydrogen isotopic composition, H2O, SIMS

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Impact Factor: 1.0 (2023)
Submission to final decision: 9.6 weeks (2022)
Geochemical Society of Japan

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