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Geochemical Journal
Geochemical Journal An open access journal for geochemistry
Published for geochemistry community from Geochemical Society of Japan.

Isotopic compositions of xenon and krypton in Belgian Congo pitchblende

N. G. Sumerlin, P. K. Kuroda
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 12, No. 4, P. 279-285, 1978


Isotopic compositions of xenon and krypton released from a sample of Belgian Congo pitchblende were measured mass-spectrometrically in stepwise heating experiments. Relative contributions from spontaneous fission of 238U, thermal neutron-induced fission of 235U and fast neutron-induced fission of 238U, to the production of fissiogenic xenon found in the ore were calculated to be 64.1, 18.8 and 17.1 percent, respectively.

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Geochemical Society of Japan

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