Distribution of cosmogenic chromium between alloys in an iron meteorite
Seiichi Shibata, Masatake Honda
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 13, No. 6, P. 277-280, 1979
The distribution of the nuclear reaction product 51Cr between alloys in an iron meteorite was investigated by leaching with dilute sulfuric acid. The meteorite sample wrapped with a cadmium plate was irradiated with neutrons and cooled. The sample was leached and the γ rays from 51Cr, 54Mn, 58Co and 59Fe induced by 54Fe(n, α), 54Fe(n, p), 58Ni(n, p) and 58Fe(n, γ), respectively, were measured in each step of leaching. The chromium content was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) in each step. The Δ51Cr defined as the activity difference between the observed and calculated activities in each step was used for estimating the adsorption of the 51Cr onto the metal surface.
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