A closer look at nitrification in pelagic sediments
E. Suess, P. J. Müller, H. S. Powell, C. E. Reimers
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 14, No. 3, P. 129-137, 1980
Nutrient profiles in Southwest Pacific interstitial solutions suggest that in environments of oxic pelagic sedimentation microbially mediated nitrification is recognizable as a two-step process. During the first step partially oxidized nitrogenous intermediaries accumulate in distinctive ammonia and nitrite maxima along with nitrate. During the second step nitrification continues and all intermediate species are fully oxidized to nitrate. Both steps occur within a zone that corresponds in thickness to the biologically active surface layer. Similarly, experimental nitrogen regeneration from decomposition of plankton in seawater (VON BRAND and RAKESTRAW, 1941: VON BRAND et al., 1942) suggests that each step corresponds to a distinct reaction in the microbially mediated transformation of N-org → NH3 → NO2 → NO3. The resolution of distinct reaction zones in pore water nutrient profiles possibly depends on the nature and mode of supply of the organic matter undergoing nitrification or reflects the spatial succession downcore of microbial populations capable of deamination, ammonium oxidation and nitrite oxidation, respectively. Finally, stoichiometric ratios of nutrients in the free water column - here demonstrated on published data from Saanich Inlet - reflect the same two steps of nitrification as delineated by the dissolved pore water species. Future pore water studies should include dissolved oxygen measurements as well as accurate ∑CO2, PO4 and nitrogenous species profiles, to verify and better quantify these separate steps in nitrification mechanism of oxic pelagic sediments.
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