Nitrogen isotope ratio of atmospheric N2O as a key to the global cycle of N2O
Naohiro Yoshida, Sadao Matsuo
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 17, No. 5, P. 231-239, 1983
An analytical system to separate N2O in the air was developed to measure the δ15N value and concentration of N2O. The system was designed so that δ15N value and concentration of ca. 1 μmol N2O from ca. 60 l air could be measured with the accuracy of ±0.2‰ and ±10 ppbv, respectively. Air samples were collected at three individual sites in Japan. The average values of δ15N and concentration of N2O for 32 samples with the standard deviation were +8.1 ± 1.0‰ and 316 ± 14 ppbv, respectively. The diversity of the observed data was attributed to the change in the mixing ratio of air masses of different characteristics. A discussion was made on the global cycle of N2O. Bacterial reduction of N2O was proposed to be the major consuming process of N2O on the Earths surface.
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