Diurnal change in δ13C of atmospheric CO2 at Tsukuba, Japan
Hisayuki Inoue, Yukio Sugimura
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 18, No. 6, P. 315-320, 1984
In September 1982 and June 1983, diurnal variations in the 13C/12C ratio and concentration of atmospheric CO2 were studied. The concentration and δ13C value of CO2 turn to be maximum just before dawn and minimum during daytime. This dirnal variations are caused through the simple mixing of two different isotopic CO2 species, which are CO2 in the ambient air and CO2 from biosphere. The carbon isotopic ratio of CO2 derived from biosphere is estimated to be -22 to -23‰ with respect to PDB standard. The estimated value is a little higher than the δ13C value attributed to the plant respiration. According to the observed δ13C value in soil air ranging from -11 to -16‰, the little higher value may be explainable as a consequence of addition of soil air CO2 into the surface air.
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