Sulfur isotopic ratios of ore deposits associated with Mesozoic felsic magmatism in South Korea, with special reference to gold-silver deposits
Hidehiko Shimazaki, Hitoshi Sakai, Hiroaki Kaneda, Min Sung Lee
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 19, No. 3, P. 163-169, 1985
Isotopic composition is determined for ore sulfur from seventeen Au-Ag, six W-Mo and one fluorite deposits in the southern Korean Peninsula. The age of ore formation ranges from pre-Cambrian to Cretaceous. Together with the data available in the literature, the following characteristics are recognized: 1) most δ34S values fall in the narrow range of +2 to +7‰, 2) no systematic variations are observed among the deposits of different geologic environments and with different workable metals, and 3) exceptional negative δ34S values are observed in some deposits located in and near the Taebaegsan area. Predominance of ore sulfur with positive δ34S values suggests the biogenic sulfur-poor nature of constituent sedimentary rocks in the Korean continental crust.
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