Pressure-temperature conditions for the formation of peridotite inclusions. —An application of a regular solution model to partitioning of Mg, Fe and Co between coexisting olivine and orthopyroxene—
Takashi Matsumoto
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 4, No. 3, P. 111-121, 1971
The partitioning of Mg, Fe and Co between coexisting olivine and orthopyroxene found in peridotite inclusions is examined from the thermodynamic point of view, using a binary and a ternary regular solution models. The following two exchange reactions are considered: MgSi0.5O2+FeSiO3 = FeSi0.5O2 +MgSiO3 (1) and MgSi0.5O2+CoSiO3=CoSi0.5O2+MgSiO3. (2) The apparent partition coefficients are respectively: RT·lnK'Fe.Mg=-ΔG1-(2XMg01-1)(W01P+α01)+(2XopxMg-1)(WopxP+αopx) (3) and RT·lnK'Co.Mg=-ΔG2+(Δα+ΔWP)XFe (4) Using (3) and (4), we can estimate the P-T conditions at equilibrium of peridotite inclusions, if we know the numerical values of the apparent partition coefficients. Examination of the equilibrium relations in a peridotite inclusion from a South African kimberlite and in an lchiomegata lherzolite leads to the conclusion that the garnet peridotite is formed at higher pressure and lower temperature than the lherzolite.
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