Regional variation in the boron isotopic composition of hot spring waters from central Japan
Masaaki Musashi, Masao Nomura, Makoto Okamoto, Tomoko Ossaka, Takao Oi, Hidetake Kakihana
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 22, No. 5, P. 205-214, 1988
Boron isotopic ratios (11B/10B) of 33 hot spring waters from central Japan were determined by mass spectrometry. The water samples can be divided into two groups based on their 11B/10B values: one with higher 11B/10B ratios (about 4.085-4.10), and another with lower 11B/10B ratios (about 4.055-4.065). The 11B/10B values are apparently independent of the pH, temperature, and chemical composition of the waters, but show a systematic regional variation. Hot spring samples from the Nasu, Kusatsu-Shirane, and Hakone areas belong to the higher 11B/10B ratio group while those from the Takayu-Tsuchiyu, Myoko, and Shirahone areas belong to the lower 11B/10B ratio group. This is explainable on the basis that the 11B/10B value of a hot spring water is correlated with that of the boron source from which the aqueous boron is derived, and that the Izu-Bonin arc is strongly influenced by sea water which is enriched in 11B.
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