Sphalerite solubilities in NaHS-NaCl-H2S aqueous solutions from 100° to 240°C
Kenichiro Hayashi, Asahiko Sugaki, Arashi Kitakaze
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 24, No. 3, P. 123-132, 1990
Solubilities of sphalerite were measured in NaHS-NaCI-H2S aqueous solutions at temperatures between 100° and 240°C. The sphalerite solubilities at the experimental condition were also calculated using the thermodynamic data for Zn-sulfide and Zn-chloride complexes. The measured solubilities are systematically higher than the calculated ones by 0.5 m to 1.5 m in log unit. These discrepancies could be reconciled if a mixed sulfide-chloride complex, Zn(HS)2Cl-, is assumed to be present in the solutions. The equilibrium constant (log K) for a reaction ZnS(s)+H2S(aq)+Cl-=Zn(HS)2Cl- is calculated as -3.81±0.49 at 100°C, -3.60±0.62 at 150°C, -3.55±0.66 at 200°C and -4.03±0.51 at 240°C. This result suggests that the concentration of Zn(HS)2Cl-is higher than that of Zn-sulfide complexes at geologically important ranges of ΣS and ΣCl. Besides the Zn-chloride complexes, Zn(HS)2Cl- is likely to be a significant zinc species in natural ore-forming solutions.
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