An attempt to detect 3He from the cold nuclear fusion
Jun-ichi Matsuda, Takuya Matsumoto, Keisuke Nagao
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 24, No. 6, P. 379-382, 1990
In order to detect 3He produced by the cold nuclear fusion, we measured 3He in Ti electrode in an electrolytic cell containing deuterium. All the 3He amounts in the electrode were more or less in the same order of magnitude as that of hot blanks in the measurement by mass spectrometry. There was no difference in 3He amounts between the run products using H2O+LiH and D2O+LiD as electrolyte, and no correlation with the experimental time of electrolysis. The result indicates that the fusion rate of deuterons was less than 3×101/sec, much lower than the value (4×104) obtained by Fleischmann and Pons (1989). However, in our 3He measurement it was difficult to detect the fusion rate as low as 4×10-1 given by Jones et al. (1989). The obtained upper limit of the fusion rate suggests that the electrolytic refining is not the cause of high 3He/4He ratios observed in metals.
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