Low molecular weight monocarboxylic acids and γ-lactones in Neogene sediments of the Shinjo basin
Akira Shimoyama, Masatoshi Komiya, Kaoru Harada
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 25, No. 6, P. 421-428, 1991
Homologous series of low molecular weight monocarboxylic acids (C2 to C12) and γ-lactones (C5 to C12) were detected in Miocene to Pliocene sediments of Shinjo basin. Abundances of the monocarboxylic acids are 10-6 to 10-8g/g, and those of the γ-lactones are 10-7 to 10-9 g/g. The monocarboxylic acids show the unique predominance of nonanoic acid over octanoic and decanoic acids. The γ-lactones show a predominance of hexanoic lactone in most of the sediments. No δ-lactones were detected in the sediments. It seems that the two classes of organic compounds were converted from common precursors, namely cis-9 unsaturated fatty acids, during the early stages of sediment diagenesis.
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