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Geochemical Journal
Geochemical Journal An open access journal for geochemistry
Published for geochemistry community from Geochemical Society of Japan.

Experimental study of element partitioning between majorite, olivine, merwinite, diopside and silicate melts at 16 GPa and 2, 000°C

Junko Moriyama, Iwao Kawabe, Kiyoshi Fujino, Eiji Ohtani
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 26, No. 6, P. 357-382, 1992


We have determined experimentally the partition coefficients of elements between silicate minerals and coexisting melts at 16 GPa and 2, 000°C in chondritic and CaO-rich silicate systems. Majorite garnet + melt ± olivine forms in the MgO-rich chondritic system, while in the CaO-rich system, merwinite coexists with melt ± clinopyroxene. The partition coefficients (D-values) of La, Ce, Sm, Yb, Sc, Zr, Hf and other minor or major elements for majorite garnet, merwinite, and clinopyroxene/melt pairs have been determined through EPMA analysis. D-values of a limited number of elements were also determined for the olivine/melt pair with EPMA. The D(HREE and Sc) for majorite/melt are close to unity. These values are much lower than reported values for pyrope/melt pairs at 2–3 GPa and 1, 200–1, 500°C and for pyrope megacryst/host rock matrix pairs. The pressure-induced coordination change in Al3+ at higher pressures above 10 GPa is responsible for the enormous difference in the D values as well as the contrasting temperature conditions: The coupled substitution of (VIIIM2+, IVSi4+) = (VIIIHREE3+, IVAl3+), important for accommodating HREE3+ into garnets, is severely limited because IVAl3+ is unlikely to exist in the majorite/melt system. The mechanism to reduce D(REE and Sc) with increasing pressure may also be operative between the clinopyroxene/melt pair. Systematic comparison of Onuma diagrams for VIIIM2+ and VIIIM3+ in almandine, pyrope, and majorite garnet/melt pairs clearly indicates that high enrichments of HREE in almandine and pyrope garnets are related to charge-balanced substitution and the presence of more or less polymerizing silicate melts with IVAl3+. These Onuma diagrams also suggest that the partitioning behaviors of Fe2+ and Co2+ between garnet and melt are anomalous. This may reflect the tendency for Fe2+ and Co2+ to prefer six coordinated sites in melts to cubic sites in garnets due to the crystal field effect. The D(REE and Sc) value pattern for the merwinite/Ca-rich melt pair has been found to be quite similar to those for CaTiO3/melt and CaSiO3 (perovskite)/melt pairs. This is interesting in view of the substructure of merwinite that mixed Ca2+ and O2- layers comprise a pseudo-hexagonal dense packing analogous to the perovskite structure.

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