Assessment method for environmental stresses in trees using δ13C records of annual growth rings
Masahiro Sakata, Kiyoshi Suzuki
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 32, No. 5, P. 331-338, 1998
A method using δ13C records of annual growth rings has been proposed for assessing environmental stresses in mature forest trees. First, we calculate the change with time in the difference (Ca-Ci) between the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and the leaf intercellular spaces from the δ13C records in tree cellulose based on a carbon isotope fractionation model for C3 plants. The Ca-Ci value is dependent primarily on the mesophyll capacity for photosynthesis and the supply of CO2 through the stomata. Next, stomatal limitation of photosynthesis is evaluated from the ratio of ring area to Ca-Ci which is possibly indicative of leaf conductance. These parameters for the trees from a declining grove of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) in the Kanto Plain, Japan were suggested to respond sensitively to the changes in air pollution (mainly SO2) and/or dry atmospheric conditions. This method offers a potentially useful research tool for evaluating possible causes for forest decline.
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