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Geochemical Journal
Geochemical Journal An open access journal for geochemistry
Published for geochemistry community from Geochemical Society of Japan.

Volume 26, No. 4

Published: 1992

Vol. 26, No. 4 (1992)

Oxygen self-diffusion along high diffusivity paths in forsterite

Hisayoshi Yurimoto, Masana Morioka, Hiroshi Nagasawa
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 26, No. 4, P. 181-188, 1992

3He/4He ratio distribution in and around the Hakone volcano

Minoru Sakamoto, Yuji Sano, Hiroshi Wakita
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 26, No. 4, P. 189-195, 1992

Rare earth element abundances in stony spherules from deep-sea sediments

Keiji Misawa, Kazuo Yamakoshi, Ken-ichi Nogami, Koshi Yamamoto, Noboru Nakamura
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 26, No. 4, P. 197-206, 1992

Carbon isotopic compositions of CH4 and CO2 from the Matsukawa geothermal system, Japan

Yutaka Yoshida
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 26, No. 4, P. 219-225, 1992

Reconstruction of cumulative fission yield curve and geochemical behaviors of fissiogenic nuclides in the Oklo natural reactors

Hiroshi Hidaka, Takashi Konishi, Akimasa Masuda
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 26, No. 4, P. 227-239, 1992

The rare-earth element content of GSJ rock reference samples determined by gradient ion chromatography

Ronald T. Watkins, Anton P. le Roex
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 26, No. 4, P. 241-249, 1992

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Geochemical Society of Japan

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