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Geochemical Journal
Geochemical Journal An open access journal for geochemistry
Published for geochemistry community from Geochemical Society of Japan.

Volume 7, No. 3

Published: 1973

Vol. 7, No. 3 (1973)

Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic ratios and major element chemistry of Japanese thermal water systems

Osamu Matsubaya, Hitoshi Sakai, Isao Kusachi, Hiroshi Satake
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, P. 123-151, 1973

Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic study on the water of crystallization of gypsum from the Kuroko type mineralization

Osamu Matsubaya, Hitoshi Sakai
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, P. 153-165, 1973

Interactions of ferric and ferrous irons and organic matter in water environment

Toshiko Akiyama
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, P. 167-177, 1973

A clue to the genesis of lunar anorthositic rocks: “Non-anorthitic” silica as a geochemical indicator

Akimasa Masuda, Noboru Nakamura
Geochemical Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3, P. 179-189, 1973

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Impact Factor: 1.0 (2023)
Submission to final decision: 9.6 weeks (2022)
Geochemical Society of Japan

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